Heli canyoning in Ticino

Canyoning in Ticino – high up!
Your short trip!

No other country has such a high density of beautiful canyons. That is why Ticino is our second home! This short canyoning trip is especially for all sporty people who want even more canyoning. We spend the night together on the first day, e.g. Friday evening at a campsite in Cresciano. Well strengthened, your canyoning weekend in Switzerland begins on day 2 / Saturday. Together we will walk through an imposing gorge and get you fit for your helicopter adventure.

After the tour we pack the backpacks together for the next day and let the evening fade away in good company. On the third day / Sunday it starts at dawn. Let’s go to the airfield, where a helicopter and equipment will bring us to the boarding point. After a short equipment check and a snack, around 50 to 70 waterfalls, slides in all variations and jumps of up to 18 m await you!

As with all of our tours, jumping and sliding are only an option and not a must, these passages can always be roped down. Do not miss this canyoning highlight and discover what you are made of!


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Regardless of whether you are traveling from Germany via Chur (the oldest city in Switzerland) and the San Bernadino Alpine pass or via the Swiss capital Zurich and the Gotthard / San Gottardo, if you drive over the Alpine passes or through the tunnels, you will immediately see behind it what Ticino has done, many gorges, countless waterfalls and high mountains!

You travel independently on day 1 to Lake Maggiore on the southern side of the Alps, more precisely to the campsite in Cresciano. We meet there and plan the next day.

The canyoning experience begins. We pack our canyoning equipment and drive to an impressive gorge. After a relaxed hike and detailed safety briefings, we practice abseiling. Practicing your abseiling skills is important, as we rappel down many waterfalls on the canyoning tour with the helicopter. That’s why we take a lot of time and practice extensively – you will become a real descender!

But not only abseiling is practiced, we use the whole day in the canyon to get you fit by jumping, sliding and walking in the canyon. All-round training, so to speak. And the best part – the more we practice, the more fun it is.

After the canyoning tour for sporty beginners and advanced skiers, we prepare the equipment and our packed lunch for tomorrow and let the day end in a relaxed manner.

Well prepared, we go to bed to really enjoy the next day!

Getting up early is the order of the day. Our helicopter flight usually starts with the first rays of sunshine in the morning. We drive to the airfield and put on the canyoning equipment. Maybe we’ll have a good-morning espresso at the heli-bar. The helicopter is pushed out of the hangar and we observe the start procedure.

Then it starts! The flight assistant waves and we get into the helicopter. The pilot lifts the machine and turns with us in the direction of the helicanyon. We gain altitude quickly and the experienced pilot steers the jack screw through the curves of the canyoning gorge. We land right next to the gorge at the heliport. A great experience! But that’s not all …

“The Neverending Canyon”, the nickname of the helicopter canyoning tour begins. 50-70 waterfalls of all shapes and heights await us, we jump, slide, abseil our way down through the gorge. We don’t have to go that much, the waterfalls come in quick succession and seem to never end … hence the nickname 😉

But we don’t have any stress, we take a leisurely lunch break before we reach the lower part of the gorge. The valley is slowly getting closer and after about 7-10 hours we made it and you experienced one of the best canyons in the world!

We do not recommend a return journey until the next day after the tour, depending on the travel time. The program ends after the helicopter tour.


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Everything at a glance

Experience level
required previous knowledge
  • A good general health condition. Health impairments are taken into account in the route planning. Restrictions on dizziness and swimming skills as well.
  • Minimum age: approx. 16 years

Arrival and Departure : on your own

Arrival on day 1 by 10:00 p.m. and the program ends on the last day at around 4:00 p.m. Because of the length of the tour, we recommend returning on the day after the end of the program.

Basecamp: Agriturismo La Finca, Al Quatro 4, 6705 Cresciano

Catering: takes place on your own, possibly cooking together

Minimum number of participants: 4 people; 14 people maximum

  • Minimum age: 16
  • Tour duration: daily approx. 4-7 hours canyoning tour – depending on the canyon
  • Tour languages: German / English / Italian (on request: Dutch & French)
  • Organization and planning of the short adventure trip
  • Certified guides / canyoning guides according to our safety standards
  • Special equipment incl. Helmet, harness and wetsuit
  • Special shoes for canyoning
  • 2 canyoning tours
  • 2 nights in your own tent at the Riarena campsite
  • Helicopter flight on Sunday to the entrance to the gorge
  • Photoservice

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