Canyoning family

Canyoning for families – out together.
Outdoor action family-friendly!

Boys, girls, dads, mums, grandmas, grandpas experience an exciting family day in the canyon, on and in the element of water with you and friends. Laughing children, brave parents, grandparents who love the outdoors – splash around together and literally let yourself drift. Dare to jump and slide down rock tracks, fun and excitement are not neglected.

Our goal is to offer you a child-friendly, unforgettable experience together. Not only your children, but also you with friends and acquaintances will find joy and enthusiasm. Our level canyoning "family", the family canyoning tour is therefore considered beginners' tour specially tailored to the needs of families with children. After a short hike to the starting point of the canyoning adventure, you will be well prepared for the following canyoning challenge in the Allgäu through short, child-friendly instructions and age-appropriate dry training. All dressed up with special neoprene suits as protection against the cold for the children and adults, we are off to the gorge. This top equipment offers optimal conditions for splashing around in the fascinating water landscape, as do the special canyoning shoes, which we as the only canyoning provider in the region also provide for kids up to the smallest sizes.

Canyoning with children is possible from the age of six. Children should be able to swim safely so as not to be afraid of the water. The gorges we climb offer many alternatives - depending on the gorge, it is also possible to skip individual sections. In addition to canyoning for families in the Allgäu, there are canyoning tours with children in nearby Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Italy or on the Lake Maggiore in Switzerland possible with us.

We are happy to take experienced families on advanced canyoning experiences.

This is what the families say:

“The canyoning tour was great. Also ideal for children. Definitely recommended for families. Gather new experiences and sometimes go beyond your limits. Wendy is very good with children. We would be happy to do it again or try something else, for example a cave tour. "

Hans Jacob, Key Account Manager, Rottenburg, summer 2010

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Sporty family canyoning in the Allgäu-Kleinwalsertal


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Everything at a glance

For young and old

Is it time again for a family trip together and you want to experience something extraordinary? Then we have the right experience for you. Family canyoning in the Allgäu. This tour is specially designed for families and tailored to the needs of children and is geared towards children aged 6 and over with their parents. Together you go on a discovery tour as a family, splash around in the crystal-clear pools, let yourself float on your back, dare to jump a few times and dash through the smoothly polished rock slides.

Difficulty / challenge
Experience level
required prior knowledge / requirements
  • Planning and implementation of the canyoning tour
  • Coordination of the canyoning event on site
  • Support by certified purelements employees (certified canyon guides)
  • Guide-guest ratio is maximum 1:8
  • No time pressure!
  • Necessary special equipment for the tour incl. Special shoes
  • Photoservice
  • Own safety standards for canyoning

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